Retail Forecast 2023

Retail Forecast 2023

This article originally appeared in the January 2023 issue of THE SHOP magazine. After two years of frenetic activity fueled by a post-pandemic recovery, retailers will confront a tougher operating environment in 2023, experts predict. Growing headwinds include rising inflation, higher interest rates, a softening housing market, continuing supply chain disruptions, declining capital investments, and… Continue reading Retail Forecast 2023

Internet Eddie: Monday Migraine or Valued Customer?

How often does a customer come into your shop and already know more about a specific product than you or your team? Traditionally, customers would walk into your shop, tell you what they’re looking for, and rely on your suggestions. With today’s endless online blogs, forums, YouTube videos and social media spots, however, it’s easy… Continue reading Internet Eddie: Monday Migraine or Valued Customer?