Shock Value

Performance shock designs are keeping pace with the latest OEM models and features. (Photo courtesy FOX)

Literally and figuratively, these days we could all use a smoother ride, right? When it comes to aftermarket suspension upgrades, performance shocks help soften some bumps in the road. Whether at the track or on the trail, the proper shock setup provides the stability, control and safety customers seek. Add in specialized tasks such as… Continue reading Shock Value

Makerspaces: A Space for Business

Urban Workshop is a successful makerspace in Costa Mesa, California.

This article originally appeared in the July 2023 issue of THE SHOP magazine. There’s no doubt the industry desperately needs tradespeople of all stripes—everyone from CNC machinists to welders. We skipped a whole generation as we sent everybody off to college and university to get a degree, and that decision is now coming back to… Continue reading Makerspaces: A Space for Business