West Coast Ports, Union Reach Tentative Deal

West Coast port management and the International Longshore & Warehouse Union (ILWU), the labor union representing port workers, reached a tentative deal after the intervention of Labor Secretary Julie Su, but it could be months before the full union votes to approve the deal, according to a report from CNBC. The next step for the… Continue reading West Coast Ports, Union Reach Tentative Deal

What You Need to Know About Port Labor Negotiations

Right now, 29 West Coast ports and the International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU), who represent approximately 15,500 dockworkers, are in the final stages of negotiating a new labor contract that covers everything from pay to operational work rules, according to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. Recent and ongoing work stoppages at ports along the… Continue reading What You Need to Know About Port Labor Negotiations

NFIB: Small Businesses Reporting Record Level of Job Openings

According to NFIB’s monthly jobs report, 44% of all owners reported job openings they could not fill in the current period, the organization announced. The percentage is down one point from April but still 20 points higher than the 49-year average reading, the organization said. The percent of owners reporting labor quality as their top… Continue reading NFIB: Small Businesses Reporting Record Level of Job Openings