
SEMA Opens Applications for SEMA PRO CUP Challenge

Six PRO restylers will have the chance to display their vehicle package at the 2024 SEMA Show...

The SEMA Professional Restylers Organization (PRO) is looking for cars with custom vehicle packages to compete in the 2024 Pro Cup Challenge at the 2024 SEMA 2024. The challenge invites restylers from around the country to  introduce vehicle packages to inspire and motivate others – including consumers, dealers and restylers.

The event invites up to six restylers to present their vehicle packages to a panel of judges based on a series of pre-determined criteria. The restylers will be given designated exhibit space in the West Hall and help with transportation of the car to and from the 2024 SEMA Show.

SEMA Opens Applications for SEMA PRO CUP Challenge | THE SHOP

The winner of the Pro Cup Challenge and the winner of the People’s Choice Award will be announced at the Pro Booth Happy Hour on Nov. 6, 2024 between 4-5 p.m. PT. Past participants have been featured in industry magazines, on the evening news and in SEMA publications.

All applicants must:

  • Select a common vehicle and install a package of accessories designed to be attractive to a wide range of vehicle buyers that is easily repeatable and profitable for both the restyler and the dealer.
  • Maximum labor hours of 40 hours per package installed
  • Wholesale cost no more than $12,500 to the dealer
  • Must be present to discuss builds in the PRO Cup Challenge Booth at the 2024 SEMA Show: Wednesday during the PRO Happy Hour from 4-5 p.m. PT.

Applications are due Aug. 9, 2024. If selected, you must complete and submit a build sheet with the basic idea of your package by Sept. 6, 2024.

The PRO Cup Challenge is exclusive to PRO member companies. If you’re unsure if your company is a PRO member, find the PRO Member Directory here: If you’re not a member, you can join here. SEMA Council Application | Specialty Equipment Market Association (SEMA). Pending members will be considered but membership will need to be made official before final selection.

Pat Curtin

Pat Curtin is the managing editor of THE SHOP magazine.

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