Wisconsin Hot-Rodders Resume ‘Car Sessions’

A number of years ago, auto enthusiasts in the Green Bay, Wisconsin, area started holding gatherings that they called “Car Sessions.” As time passed, more classic-car-lovers and hot-rodders joined the Car Sessions group to attend the gatherings (usually in their old cars).
The main personality behind the Car Sessions group is Tom Kujava, who once hosted a community TV show called “Wheels.” The group has no officers, no dues, no by-laws, no newsletter and no regular meetings. Kujava created a Car Sessions Google group through which he communicates with the other “members.”
The Car Sessions are simply announced via email and whoever wants to come can come. They are usually held on Thursday nights and they take place at museums, private collections and car businesses. Some of the biggest Car Sessions have been attended by over 300 people. At some past sessions over 50 cars were displayed.
For some reason, Green Bay is a real hotbed of hobby activity. It’s a city with some great car collectors and some great cars. Some of the Car Sessions have also featured large collections of old signs, petroliana items and automobilia. Hosts have ranged from The Automobile Gallery–a museum-like collection of cars—to restoration shops and high-performance tuners.
When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, the Car Sessions gatherings were postponed. On Thursday evening, August 20, the first 2020 Car Sessions get-together was held. As Tom Kujava’s photos reveal, there was a lot of pent-up demand for their revival. The hosts of this session packaged snacks individually and everyone practiced social distancing.