University of Northwestern Ohio Drag Club Building 1985 Camaro

The University of Northwestern Ohio Drag Club, an extracurricular club that helps with extra education for students who have a serious interest in drag racing, is currently building a 1985 Chevrolet Camaro dragster.
According to UNOH instructor and Drag Club Advisor, Chris Harubin, the majority of the students work a full-time job in addition to classroom studies and still are able to find time to participate in the drag club activities.
The Camaro the club is building currently has a 5.3-liter LS swapped into it, a Turbo 400 transmission and FTI Torque Converter.
Any funding for the car is raised through fundraisers by the students and donations from manufacturers.
Race Parts Solutions has provided the turbo set up, tubing and piping, while Holley provided its Dominator system to handle all fueling.
To contribute to this project, contact Chris Harubin, UNOH Instructor and Drag Club Advisor at