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Toyo Tire North America to Create More Than 150 Jobs in Georgia

Toyo Tires is bringing new jobs to the South.

Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal has announced that Toyo Tire North America Manufacturing Inc. will create more than 150 jobs and invest over $138 million in Cartersville. New opportunities will include positions in production, support and administration.

“As the No. 1 state for business, Georgia offers the strategic resources necessary to retain dynamic companies and support industry leaders in long-term growth,” Deal said. “Toyo Tires is a valued member of Georgia’s family of innovative automotive manufacturers and suppliers, and it’s clear that the company’s leadership recognizes the benefits of operating in our competitive economic environment.”

He added that the decision is a win for American jobs, the state and the company.

“By choosing Cartersville over international competition, Toyo Tires will continue to hire from Georgia’s talented workforce and utilize our highly connected transportation infrastructure to reach its growing customer base,” Deal said. “We appreciate Toyo Tires’ commitment to creating even more quality jobs here in Georgia and look forward to further strengthening our partnership in the years to come.”

Through a two-phase expansion, Toyo Tires will construct a new 254,000-square-foot facility with an annual production capacity of 2.4 million passenger vehicle tires. Upon completion of the expansion, Toyo Tires will employ approximately 2,100 Georgia residents, according to a press release.

“The level of cooperation from the State of Georgia and Bartow County over the years continues to exceed our expectations,” said Don Bunn, president of Toyo Tire North America Manufacturing Inc. “Toyo Tires is proud to be a member of the Georgia business community and strives to show its appreciation by being a great place to work and by supporting community organizations throughout the state.”

In 2016, Toyo Tire North America Manufacturing Inc. became the Toyo Tires Group’s largest manufacturing operation, with an annual production capacity of 11.5 million tires.

“Bartow County was fortunate to be selected as Toyo Tires’ home years ago, and we are honored each time they choose to invest again,” said Bartow County Sole Commissioner Steve Taylor. “We strive for long-term partnerships with our industries and this partnership has been incredibly successful.”

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