Permatex Partners with ASE on Technician Training

Permatex, a manufacturer of chemical technology for automotive maintenance and repair, has partnered with the ASE Education Foundation to provide product application training and education on the latest formulation advances for automotive students, instructors, parts professionals and professional automotive technicians, the company announced.
The partnership was announced by Permatex Product Manager, Eric Seibold, who noted, “Permatex has always been committed to training and education and has a storied history of developing valuable and in-depth programs for the automotive service industry. Partnering with the ASE Education Foundation will allow us to continue that tradition and help both our aspiring and veteran automotive service workforce to improve their knowledge and capabilities and advance their ASE Certification.”
The inaugural program in the ASE Education Foundation collaboration is a Permatex-led online training webinar entitled, How to Select and Apply the Right Gasket Maker. This training segment provided technicians with important information on the different types of gasket makers; how they have evolved over the years, how to choose the correct gasket maker; and proper application techniques, the company said. Permatex will conduct future training sessions, both online and in-person, on a variety of chemical technology topics for automotive maintenance and repair.
“We are very pleased to recognize Permatex as our newest industry partner,” added Mike Coley, ASE Education Foundation President. “We’re proud to join forces with an organization such as Permatex that believes in a bright future for automotive service and expanding career opportunities for all students.”
Permatex also offers online training courses for technicians and DIYers available on the company’s official training portal website. Users can register for live webinars or participate in online training sessions to receive an official certificate of completion.