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NPW Adds Melone as Category Manager

National Performance Warehouse (NPW) has hired veteran Bill Melone as category manager.

Melone joins NPW with 33 years of experience in warehouse purchasing, store operations, installer sales, retail sales and marketing, vendor negotiations and forecasting. He also has experience with dealerships (Eddie Accardi Jeep), Rose Auto Stores, PEP Boys, and most recently served 17 years at Bennett Auto Supply in Florida.

Melone will have a team of buyers and re-buyers reporting to him. He will be working from the Miami Purchasing Offices, headed by Rick Kovalick, NPW’s senior vice president of purchasing and marketing.

“As our company is seeing rapid growth, we knew we had to enhance our inventory positions and staff. Whether on the buy side, the optimization of inventory, maintaining high order fill rates or marketing the products, we needed to add more experience to our bench. Bill is the first in our plan to optimize how we control our inventory,” said Chris Pacey, executive vice president of NPW. “Miami continues to seek additional automotive category managers to balance the workload and insure we are prepared to handle the increased demand to fuel our continued growth. We are glad to have Bill on our team.”

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