NHRA Prepares for Expansion of Electric Vehicle Racing

The NHRA is set to host a panel discussion regarding electric vehicle racing during the upcoming NHRA Gatornationals in Gainesville, the organization announced and is requesting industry and manufacturer input on the topic.
In an effort to look ahead to the next steps in the advancement of electric drag racing, the NHRA has extended an open invitation to interested parties to participate in an open dialogue on the topic. This invitation includes, but is not limited to, OEM auto manufacturers, aftermarket parts suppliers, racecar builders and companies that specialize in safety and fire suppression.
The first of numerous proposed meetings are scheduled to take place during the upcoming Amalie Motor Oil NHRA Gatornationals at Gainesville Raceway, March 12-14.
“From the vision that Wally Parks had when he founded NHRA in 1951 to our current ‘Speed for All’ campaign, NHRA has always strived to provide a welcoming environment not just for competitors from all walks of life, but also to accommodate a very wide variety of vehicles, and that includes electric cars and motorcycles,” said Ned Walliser, NHRA vice president-competition. “It’s certainly no secret that electric vehicles are becoming more and more popular with consumers, and the technology associated with them continues to move forward at a rapid pace. At NHRA, we are eager to keep pace with the latest developments in EV technology.”
Interested parties who would like to participate in an upcoming discussion regarding EV technology as it relates to NHRA racing should contact Ned Walliser at nwalliser@nhra.com.