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Miami Vying for Formula 1 Grand Prix

Formula One’s efforts to expand its footprint across the U.S. got a boost last Thursday when Miami city commissioners unanimously agreed to start negotiations on a 10-year deal for a race that can be staged as early as October.

“With the unanimous votes at both the City of Miami and Miami-Dade County’s Economic Development and Tourism Committee, we are very pleased to have received preliminary approval towards bringing a Formula 1 Grand Prix to Miami,” said Sean Bratches, Formula One’s director of commercial operations. “We recognize that this is only the start of the process and we will immediately get to work with the various community stakeholders, the City of Miami, the Port of Miami, Bayfront Park Management Trust and others, in order to reach a final agreement.

“Formula 1 in Miami represents a fantastic opportunity to bring the greatest racing spectacle on the planet to one of the world’s most iconic cities, and we are delighted that the journey is underway.”

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