Meyers Manx Partners with P1 Fuels at NORRA 1000

As part of a new partnership with P1 Fuels, Meyers Manx powered its remastered buggy with a sustainable P1 racing fuel during the NORRA 1000 off-road race, the companies announced.
“As the automotive industry increasingly focuses on renewable fuels, carbon-neutral vehicles, and sustainable mobility, P1 is at the forefront, helping manufacturers achieve their sustainability goals,” the companies said in a statement announcing the partnership. “By leveraging advanced science and technology, P1 creates cleaner and more energy-dense fuels that offer cost-effective alternatives to traditional fossil fuels for the 1.6 billion road cars with internal combustion engines.”
Meyers Manx joins a roster of automotive OEMs and engine developers partnering with P1 Fuels as they work towards a future of efficiency and sustainability, the company said.
P1’s CEO, Martin Popilka, said, “Our partnership with Meyers Manx sends a clear message: climate-neutral operation of combustion engines is already possible. We must collaborate with policymakers to scale up technical solutions and make climate-neutral fuel attractive to consumers. This fuel is a crucial component for Germany to achieve climate neutrality by 2045, as some vehicles will still rely on internal combustion engines. We invite government agencies to take a first step now by running parts of their vehicle fleets on CO2-neutral fuel.”