KYB Launches New Video Series

KYB has launched a new video series, the company announced.
The series is focused on giving viewers concise content about shocks and struts and will cover a variety of topics, including how to choose the right shock, selling value over price and how to determine when shocks and struts should be recommended, the company said. Episodes of KYB TV will show testimonials from Service Providers or show Service Writers helping motorists make a decision about shocks and struts.
Twelve new two-minute videos will be released over the next year. The most current video will be displayed on the homepage and a link will be provided to the KYB TV site to view the previous episodes.
“The videos will be created so they resonate with both consumers and service professionals,” said KYB Director of Marketing Aaron Shaffer. “The videos are meant to show service writers why shocks and struts should be replaced and why KYB products are the best choice. The videos are also meant to instill confidence in consumers to choose KYB.”