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Kickstarter Project is Track-Ready, Card Table Approved

CLUTCH, "The Most Comprehensive Racing Card Game"Utah-based Winesdesign Products & Consulting has initiated its Kickstarter launch of CLUTCH: The Most Comprehensive Racing Card Game. CLUTCH was created to bring the joy of racing to everyone’s table, according to the company.

CLUTCH is a racing game for two to six players. Players will choose their starting vehicle; gather cash and sabotage, boost and upgrade cards; purchase more powerful cars; and race their opponents to the finish line. When a race begins, sabotage opponents or use a boost to pull ahead of the competition. The player with the most wins under their belt is declared the CLUTCH champion.

“We spent a lot of time developing this game to be enjoyed by everyone, not only car people,” said Brandon Wines, founder of Winesdesign. “All 24 available game vehicles were submitted by private parties from around the world. Now anybody can sit down and enjoy the power of an Audi R8 or an Acura NSX.”

Aiming to raise $35,000, Winesdesign Products is giving 50 early bird backers the chance to get the game for $30. All additional games will be sold at $35, according to the company.

Visit the CLUTCH Kickstarter page for more information.

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