
Gen-Y Names Jason Helmuth as Sales Manager

Helmuth has spent more than 6 years with Gen-Y in various customer-facing positions...

GEN-Y Hitch announces Jason Helmuth as its OEM sales manager/customer service director. 

“I am deeply humbled and very motivated that GEN-Y has provided me with the opportunity to continue to build our customer service at a high level. I’m stoked to lead sales on the OEM side and will be pounding the pavement to show the OEM clients our exciting lineup of products that GEN-Y has become known for,” said Helmuth.

Gen-Y Names Jason Helmuth as Sales Manager | THE SHOP

“Jason’s dedication is unparalleled. His enthusiasm for the GEN-Y team is infectious, and we are fortunate to have him on board. We extend our congratulations on his new role with GEN-Y, and I am extremely excited for him and the entire team,” said Carl Borkholder, founder and managing partner, Gen-Y Hitch.

In more than six years on the GEN-Y team, Helmuth’s passion and servant leadership as an advocate for GEN-Y customers and team members have been major factors in GEN-Y’s growth during his employment, the copany stated. As part of his new role, Helmuth will be managing the OEM channels for GEN-Y Hitch as well as serve as customer service director for the entire sales force.

Pat Curtin

Pat Curtin is the managing editor of THE SHOP magazine.

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