EnerSys Wins 2019 ‘Best in Sales’ Award from Allegiant Power

EnerSys, the manufacturer of ODYSSEY Batteries, has been named as the recipient of the 2019 Allegiant Power ‘Best in Sales’ award.
Triumphing over 32 competing companies from across the country, the Transportation & Specialty team accepted the accolade during the annual Allegiant Power Show held in Washington, D.C. from Oct. 3 to 6. This award is earned by generating the most revenue during the 3-day show.
Since 2015, Allegiant Power has presented the ‘Best in Sales’ award as a way of recognizing and thanking vendors for their commitment to the show and attendees. Other award categories of recognition included during the annual show each year include ‘Best Booth’, ‘Best Sales Presentation’, ‘Vendor of the Year’ and for the first time ever, Allegiant Power introduced the ‘Best in Shipping’ award.
“Congratulations to all of this year’s winners! With more than 30 of the industry’s most elite organizations competing in the awards program, it is a tremendous honor to be recognized for generating the highest sales during the show,” said Joseph Kenny, vice president of transportation & specialty sales at EnerSys. “We believe this award is an affirmation of the need for Thin Plate Pure Lead (TPPL) batteries in the marketplace. EnerSys is fulfilling that demand with the manufacturing of ODYSSEY batteries and I want to personally thank our Transportation and Specialty team for their commitment and efforts that directly led to us winning this award.”