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Continental TPMS Training Specialist to Deliver Seminar in Vegas

Continental Commercial Vehicles & Aftermarket has announced that it will host a special TPMS seminar during this year’s SEMA Show. The event, sponsored by Tire Industry Association (TIA) and called TPMS at 10, is set for Oct. 30 from 10 a.m.-11 a.m. at the Las Vegas Convention Center, South Hall, S115.

According to Continental, the focus of TPMS at 10 will be “Understanding Original Equipment TPMS.”

“Original equipment (OE) TPMS continues to evolve as the new car manufacturers find ways to improve technology and performance,” said the company in a press release. “This session will focus on various OE manufacturers and how the TPMS sensors communicate with the vehicle. It will identify some of the necessary procedures and guidelines for maintaining the TPMS and the steps that technicians must take to ensure it functions properly.”

Sales technical training specialist Sean Lannoo and a team of TPMS experts will conduct the seminar. Noted speakers for the event will include: Matthew White, director of tire service at the Tire Industry Association; Mark J Becker, assistant general manager at Pacific Manufacturing Ohio Inc.; and W. Devon Rippetoe, senior technical service & training representative at Sensata/Schrader Performance Sensors.

Lannoo-a TIA Certified Automotive Tire Service Instructor with three ASE Certifications-has conducted over 300 training seminars and trained over 5,000 technicians, part counter personnel, instructors, and students on TPMS technology and service. He has also been a speaker at several educational and training conferences, including the North American Council of Automotive Teachers (NACAT) training conference, Florida Automotive Dealers Association’s annual training conference, California Automotive Teachers (CAT) training conferences, Technical College System of Georgia Instructors Camp, Virginia Association of Trade and Industrial Educators (VATIE) Professional Development Conference, and the ASE Industry Education Alliance Instructor Training Conference.

For more information, visit Redi-Sensor.com or contact salessupport-us@vdo.com.

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