Bonneville Speed Week Gets Green Light

The Southern California Timing Association has received all necessary approvals and permits from local health and government associations to hold the 2020 Bonneville Speed Week as planned, according to a statement on the group’s website.
The Utah office of the Bureau of Land Management will require a number of alterations to standard procedures in order to hold the event.
The required protocols are listed below:
1. Install Sneeze Guards on the Registration Trailer, Sales Trailer, BNI Trailer, Motorcycle Trailer & Impound Trailer
2. Gloves & Mask/Bandana for workers in the trailers mentioned above
3. Mask/Bandana for workers near people
4. Porta-Potties will have hand sanitizer in each unit
5. Hand Sanitizer Stations by each trailer mentioned above and the Start Line
6. Blue Tape for Social Distancing by each trailer mentioned above
7. Increase Pit Spaces to increase the distance between race trailers
8. Have designated workers reminding people to social distance
9. Place Social Distancing Signs in areas below a) Areas where lines tend to form b) Areas where people tend to congregate c) Starting Line
10. Distribute Flyers at Entrance to every vehicle with these stipulations
11. Recommend people bring their own masks/bandanas & hand sanitizer
12. Recommend if you are sick, to please not attend this event
Click here to see the SCTA’s full list of updates.