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AWE to Support Clean Dezert Trail Cleanups

AWE to Support Clean Dezert Trail Cleanups | THE SHOPAWE, a precision engineering and manufacturing firm outside Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, has partnered with Clean Dezert, a non-profit organization dedicated to giving back to the land and preventing BLM land closures, the company announced.

AWE will join the ranks of Camburg, King Off-Road Racing Shocks, SPOD, Icon Vehicle Dynamics, RPG Offroad and others to provide support for clean-up events.

“With the launch of our Jeep exhaust line on top of our experience [with] RAM, F150/Raptor and Ranger, it was time for AWE to get involved to help protect the land that we love,” stated AWE VP of Marketing, Jesse Kramer. “Our team spent a week in Moab testing our Jeep line, which solidified our intent on being a part of this amazing community.”

“These events are community-focused and open to all. We work hard throughout the year to team up with amazing sponsors and make each event more memorable than the last. Our public lands are getting used for illegal trash dumping, this is our way to give back and ensure everyone has a fun time, and to meet some new friends along the way. We look forward to seeing everyone in November, stop by the sign-up booth to say hello,” said David McLeod, Marketing and Planning Coordinator for Clean-Dezert.

The next Clean Dezert family-friendly event is Nov. 6 at Outlet Center Drive and I-15 (26090 Outlet Center Dr, Barstow, CA 92311), sign up is 7 a.m.-8 a.m., with a raffle at 2 p.m., where the first 400 sign-ups receive an event shirt. Off-road rigs are encouraged and camping is open to all.

Click here for more information.

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