Air Lift Company Launches ‘Help Me Choose’ Product Selection Feature

Aftermarket air suspension specialist Air Lift Company has launched a new tool on their website to help consumers find the best kit for their vehicle when towing or hauling, the company announced.
The new “Help Me Choose” product selector prompt appears when users search for the available air spring kits for their vehicle by make, model and year. Upon opening the tool, it takes users through a series of questions about their vehicle, what they tow or haul, how often and on which surfaces they drive. Based on the answers to these questions, the tool will suggest the three Air Lift air spring kits that are best suited for their unique situation. Once users have entered their information and have their suggestions, they have the option to email those results to themselves as a reference for any further research.
“With over 400 unique vehicle applications and eight different product lines to choose from, we understand that deciding which kit is right can be an overwhelming experience,” says Matt DeWitte, Director of Marketing at Air Lift. “We wanted to take the difficulty out of the decision and put our consumers in a position where they feel confident making the right choice for their safety and comfort.”
Air Lift hopes that this new tool will also be utilized by their Authorized Installers and front-counter sales staff to help their customers find the appropriate solution for their situation.
“Empowering our Authorized Installers is a priority for us,” says Andy James, the National Installer Program Manager at Air Lift. “With this tool, we are giving our installers an option to provide quick, trustworthy recommendations to their customers, shortening the sales process and removing any guesswork. Our Authorized Installers are experts in our product and this tool will only validate that.”
The new “Help Me Choose” tool is available now on the Air Lift Company website. The tool can be accessed by initiating a vehicle search under the top navigation bar.