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Aftermarket Entities Step Up Support of AACF

Aftermarket Entities Step Up Support of AACF | THE SHOPTwo auto aftermarket entities have recently stepped up to help the Automotive Aftermarket Charitable Foundation (AACF) in different and unique ways.

Aftermarket parts distributor and retailer Parts Authority, seeking to embrace and enhance the “Stay Positive” theme initiated by President Randy Buller as the COVID-19 pandemic began, put together a battery sales promotion as a way to support AACF. Through AACF Board member Mike Peace, the Foundation connected with Parts Authority VP of Marketing Jacqueline Rodriguez to implement the “Stay Positive” promotion. During the months of May and June, for every battery sold by a Parts Authority location, $1.00 would be donated to AACF. Click here for more information on the “Stay Positive” program.

At the Young Auto Care Network Group (YANG), leadership was looking for a way to provide hope and assistance during the COVID pandemic. True to their moniker (i.e., “Young”), they quickly harnessed the power of social media and launched the #YANGgive19 promotion, asking their members and others to donate $19 to AACF and post their image on LinkedIn (or other social media sites) with a sign conveying the #YANGgive19 hashtag. The campaign has helped to raise over $5,000 for the Foundation toward helping industry families.

AACF Board President, Lynn Parker stated, “We are so very grateful that these organizations along with our ongoing supporters would help to ensure that we can continue providing our service to those in our industry affected by illness, accident, or death and find themselves in need of financial assistance.” Parker went on to say, “It shows once again just how big the heart of the aftermarket truly is.” AACF Executive Director, Joel Ayres added, “Our board is filled with gratitude toward these organizations for being so charitable and so giving during a time when their own lives and livelihoods were being impacted by this pandemic. We can’t thank them enough.”

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