Digital Specifications

eNews Email Sponsor Ads

The eNews Sponsor Ads are a beneficial way to promote your company in our daily email newsletter.

300×600 Tower

File Format: JPG, PNG, or GIF
Creative Size: 300 x 600 pixels
File Size Limit: 100 kb
Resolution: 72 dpi
Color Mode: RGB

280×175 Billboard

File Format (Image): JPG, PNG, or GIF
Creative Size: 280 x 175 pixels
File Size Limit: 100 kb
Resolution: 72 dpi
Color Mode: RGB

Featured Product

File Format Text and Images
Newsletter Image: 280 x 175 pixels, JPG, PNG or GIF
File Size Limit: 100 kb
Resolution: 72 dpi
Color Mode: RGB
Headline Text: Max 70 characters, spaces included
Teaser Text: Max 120 characters, spaces included
Text for Featured Content: Max 1200 characters
Website Image: 900 x 600, JPG, PNG or GIF
Additional Images: Maybe uploaded for inclusion on the website.

280×175 Video

File Format (Image): JPG or PNG with Play Button
Creative Size: 280 x 175 pixels
File Size Limit: 100 kb
Resolution: 72 dpi
Color Mode: RGB
Video Link: YouTube or Vimeo
Headline Text: Max 70 characters, spaces included
Teaser Text: Max 120 characters, spaces included

Text/Headline Ad:

File Type: Plain text (no images)
Length: Max 85 characters, spaces included

300×100 Bottom Banner

File Format: JPG, PNG, or GIF
Creative Size: 300 x 100 pixels
File Size Limit: 100 kb
Resolution: 72 dpi
Color Mode: RGB

Click URL must also be included when creative files are submitted.

Design Guidelines

  • Ads should have a 1px border to contain the design
  • GIF animations may loop no more than 3 times or go static after 30 seconds (15-20 fps). Recommended Animation Length: 15 seconds. No Blinking
  • Simpler ads with larger, fewer elements will always appear more crisp
  • Sending artwork at double the size may improve appearance
  • Artwork saved as PNG files instead of JPGs may improve appearance

Technical Notes

Flash and Rich Media ads are not supported in email. If you’d like to use an animated GIF for your email ad please make sure the first frame of your animation is suitable as a static ad. GIFs will not animate (displaying only the first frame) in Outlook 2007, Outlook 2010 and Windows Mobile 7. Additionally, JavaScript is also not supported in email. If you are providing tags for 3rd party tracking purposes, please be sure they are correctly coded for being served through an email.

Website Ads

Websites ads displayed on

Billboard (Desktop)

File Formats: JPG, GIF, 3rd party tag (see below)
Creative Size: 300 x 250 pixels
Resolution: 72 dpi
Color Mode: RGB
File Size: Static: Max 50kb; Animated: Max 100kb (40kb initial download file weight)

Billboard (Tablet)

Formats: JPG, GIF, 3rd party tag (see below)
Creative Size: 465 x 90 pixels
Resolution: 72 dpi
Color Mode: RGB
File Size: Static: Max 50kb; Animated: Max 100kb (40kb initial download file weight)

Billboard (Smartphone)

File Formats: JPG, GIF, 3rd party tag (see below)
Creative Size: 300 x 100 pixels
Resolution: 72 dpi
Color Mode: RGB
File Size: Static: Max 50kb; Animated: Max 100kb (40kb initial download file weight)

Marquee (Desktop)

File Formats: JPG, GIF, 3rd party tag (see below)
Creative Size: 728 x 90 pixels
Resolution: 72 dpi
Color Mode: RGB
File Size: Static: Max 50kb; Animated: Max 100kb (40kb initial download file weight)

Marquee (Tablet)

File Formats: JPG, GIF, 3rd party tag (see below)
Creative Size: 465 x 90 pixels
Resolution: 72 dpi
Color Mode: RGB
File Size: Static: Max 50kb; Animated: Max 100kb (40kb initial download file weight)

Marquee (Smartphone)

File Formats: JPG, GIF, 3rd party tag (see below)
Creative Size: 300 x 100 pixels
Resolution: 72 dpi
Color Mode: RGB
File Size: Static: Max 50kb; Animated: Max 100kb (40kb initial download file weight)

Tower (Desktop)

File Format: JPG or GIF
Creative Size: 300 x 600 pixels
File Size Limit: 50 kb
Resolution: 72 dpi
Color Mode: RGB

Tower (Tablet & Smartphone)

File Format: JPG or GIF
Creative Size: 300 x 250 pixels
File Size Limit: 50 kb
Resolution: 72 dpi
Color Mode: RGB

Top Banner (Desktop)

File Formats: JPG, GIF, 3rd party tag (see below)
Creative Size: 728 x 90 pixels
Resolution: 72 dpi
Color Mode: RGB
File Size: Static: Max 50kb; Animated: Max 100kb (40kb initial download file weight)

Top Banner (Tablet)

File Formats: JPG, GIF, 3rd party tag (see below)
Creative Size: 465 x 90 pixels
Resolution: 72 dpi
Color Mode: RGB
File Size: Static: Max 50kb; Animated: Max 100kb (40kb initial download file weight)

Top Banner (Smartphone)

File Formats: JPG, GIF, 3rd party tag (see below)
Creative Size: 300 x 100 pixels
Resolution: 72 dpi
Color Mode: RGB
File Size: Static: Max 50kb; Animated: Max 100kb (40kb initial download file weight)

A Click-Through URL must also be included when creative materials are submitted.

File Formats

Our website ad server supports the following creative types:

  • Third-Party: A highly customizable, interactive creative. You can use any custom HTML and JavaScript snippets as well as tags from a third-party ad server. **Please Note: When providing 3rd party tags, NBM will not be able to utilize our tracking system, IMS, which provides automated activity reports based off of tracking URLS that we pair with your files.
  • Image: A basic image creative. Requires a GIF, JPG file. CMYK color format is not supported for JPG files.
  • DoubleClick Tag: A creative hosted by either DoubleClick for Advertisers (DFA) or DART for Publishers. You enter a redirect URL, which directs DoubleClick for Publishers to the location of the creative files.

Design Guidelines

  • Ads should have a 1px border to contain the design
  • Animations may loop no more than 3 times or go static after 30 seconds (15-20 fps). Recommended Animation Length: 15 seconds. No Blinking
  • Audio should be muted by default with a press-to-play or re-mute button

Rich Media & Third-Party Tags

We do not accept rich media ads that float, pop, expand, etc… Rich Media ads must stay contained within the placement dimensions.

Our ad serving system recognizes the following rich media formats: Pointroll/Pixel, Mediaplex/Standard, Eyewonder/Javascript, Facilitate/Javascript/Flash, Facilitate/Javascript/Universal, Adition/Javascript, Adtech/Javascript, Adtech/IFrame, Atlas/IFrame/Script, Atlas/Standard/Standard Image, Doubleclick DFA/Javascript/Dynamic, Flashtalking/Pixel, Flashtalking/Javascript, Tradedoubler/Javascript.

Products & Deals

Features your product in our monthly Product & Deals email and on the Products & Deals section of

Email & Web placement

Image: one 400×400, 72 dpi, RGB, JPG file
Title: 40 characters max (including spaces)
Short Description: 190 characters max (including spaces)
Link or PDF: a link to where your product is featured on your website


Emails we send to our readers on your behalf.

File Format: HTML/XHTML (must be specifically coded for displaying in an email)
File Size: 100kb recommended (including all images)
Notes: Flash, Video and Rich Media are not supported in email. If you are new to email design please review the tips below.

Email Design & Coding Tips

  • When creating an HTML email you may not simply save a pdf, image or any other document as HTML. Doing this will result in a file with a .html extension, but it will not be coded correctly for email and will result in many display issues. If you are new to coding HTML emails, click here, here or here for a few helpful resources.
  • Do not create your message as one large image. For many people email images will not display by default, so your message could get missed.
  • HTML documents should be setup between 550 to 650 pixels wide
  • Use TABLES instead of DIVS
  • Use inline CSS. Use this easy tool to move it all inline.
  • Reference which CSS style elements are supported by each ESP to ensure your design is consistent across as many inboxes as possible.
  • Image files (JPG or GIF) need to be at 72 DPI and RGB color format. Please do not resize JPG files within your HTML file
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