Launched at the 2023 SEMA Show, LTA Manufacturing’s all-new Venturous Truck Tops are manufactured using patent pending PolyFuse Technology. This distinctive injection molding process, developed by LTA, utilizes a closed-mold system, producing a top that is lighter, stronger, and sleeker than other solutions on the market.
“This is truly a game-changer for the truck topper market,” said Jennifer Collins, VP of Marketing, LTA Manufacturing. “Venturous and PolyFuse bring an entirely new way of thinking to a market that has been doing things the same way for decades.”
Backed by third-party testing, Venturous truck tops are three-times stronger than the competition. Thanks to the closed mold system, the tops can withstand up to 1,500 pounds of static weight and up to 750 pounds of dynamic weight.
The all-new Venturous Truck Tops Ozark Cab-High Top model is now available for Chevrolet, GMC, Ford, Ram, Jeep and Toyota applications. The Ozark comes with a heavy-duty roof structure for optional roof rack systems and includes tinted glass and a custom-fit rear skirt for a sleek, modern look.
To date, Venturous is the first truck top to utilize PolyFuse technology, and LTA Manufacturing is the only company currently producing truck cap products using this method.
Learn more about Venturous Truck Tops HERE.