Let’s Get Through This Together

If you can read this, you’ve survived the first week of a worldwide pandemic. Days into it, that statement is still difficult to comprehend.
If you’re like many of the folks we’ve heard from, you started by making sure your family and friends were safe, took inventory of provisions and stocked up as needed, and then turned your attention to your business—what does this mean for you, your employees and your customers, both immediately and once it’s all over?
Emotions can change quickly, from fear and anxiety to determination and resolve, as news alerts and reports continue to stream in.
At THE SHOP, our little part to play in all of this is to sift through the waves of information and determine what applies to our specialty aftermarket world—what owners of small shops need to know and where they can turn to for more information and guidance.
As the reality of a new normal sets in, we’ll also look to have a little fun by highlighting the usual and unusual goings-on in the industry as we all try to make the most of this strange situation. And you can help by:
• Sharing links to articles, social media posts or other information you’ve found helpful or informative for your own business;
• Sharing photos of the projects you’re working on or how you’re passing the time;
• And/or sharing your thoughts, hopes, fears and other emotions in written form, just like the excellent message of optimism sent in this week by Bob Scheid.
Social distancing doesn’t have to mean isolation. We may be at home instead of the office, but we’re still waking up each day determined to help your business succeed. No doubt you’re doing the same.
Together, we’ll get through this—just let us know how we can help.
Jef White, executive editor, jwhite@nbm.com; A.J. Hecht, digital content editor, ahecht@nbm.com; Stacy Marshall, publisher, smarshall@nbm.com.