From the Mag: Find Your Way Back

As overlanding has grown, so has the need to stay within boundaries. Trespassing on private land or regulated public areas is inexcusable and can negatively affect the entire overlanding community.
Off-limits areas can include state and national parks, private reserves and government-restricted land. So, how do you steer your 4×4 customers clear of the issues when they’re eager to go out and blaze a trail?
Navigation is the answer, available through a variety of devices and applications. Some are tools mounted on a vehicle with mapping software that can be seen on a desktop, laptop or mobile device. Others are applications for tablets, smartphones or existing in-dash receivers.
Gear Up to Go
At the 2022 Consumer Electronics Show, Garmin unveiled three new devices with enhanced all-terrain navigation and worldwide communications capabilities for overlanders and powersports enthusiasts. The Tread devices are made for overlanding, off-road expeditions and adventurous jaunts. Touchscreens, turn-by-turn navigation, inReach global satellite communications and group tracking options provide greater range and connectivity.
Video Assistance
Magellan offers a setup with an 8MP camera that automatically records when approaching trails, saving waypoints and notes along the way. Later, with the vehicle stopped, more detailed waypoints with audio recordings, coordinates and locations can be input, and viewing the track will show what’s ahead.
The device also offers instant video playback, high-res 3D terrain map and a 2D topographic view, as well as a social media function and a searchable database.
Click here to read the rest of the article in the April issue of THE SHOP magazine.