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Featured Product: The VDOG — Variable Angle Gear

Engineered to solve difficult steering linkage situations, the VDOG can be mounted virtually anywhere inside a vehicle. Ideal for Cab-Overs, T-Buckets, and specialty builds with big motors and tight firewall clearance.

The VDOG was designed as a 90˚ angle gear to solve tight steering angle issues. VDOG stands for Variable Degree Operational Gear. When we break the unit down, it’s clear to see why.

On one end of the unit, you have a fixed shaft that is ¾”-36 spline and on the other end, you have a variable degree gear with a ¾”-36 spline shaft as well. The variable angle side allows for 360˚ rotation at a +/- 35˚ angle. This unit is unique because it is essentially both a gearbox and a universal joint.

Inside you will find a hardened gear drive system that allows for the unit to provide a 1:1 steering ratio from one side to the other. There are no chains or sprockets to fail and the system is lubricated from Flaming River and should never need to be opened up and maintained. NSRA Accepted.

Find Out More Here

A.J. Hecht

A.J. Hecht is the managing editor of THE SHOP and host of the In Gear with THE SHOP podcast. Have an idea, a tip, or a question you’d like to see answered? Contact A.J. at ahecht@cahabamedia.com.

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