Equipping Cars with Safety Systems

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Unless your customers are buying new cars equipped with the latest in advanced safety technology, a majority of vehicles on the road today could be missing important features that keep drivers and passengers safe. These safety systems can help drivers avoid crashes in a variety of scenarios, such as making lane changes into unseen vehicles caused by blind spots, collisions caused by navigating confined parking lots, or simply backing out of driveways.
According to a recent Consumer Reports survey, automotive blind-spot warnings and rear cross-traffic warning systems received the highest scores at 83 percent each, reporting that the features were successful in preventing accidents.
CrimeStopper features a full range of safety products that serve as retrofit kits for your customers who would like to add these safety features on older vehicles or newer ones not equipped with these features. Manufacturers didn’t start equipping vehicles with safety products until mid-2000, and these were typically only available on premium trim packages.
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CrimeStopper offers a full line of safety products and security systems with convenience features like remote start and keyless entry that use factory OEM key-fobs to remotely open vehicle doors or warm up cars during snow season.
More information on easily installed safety systems can be found on the CrimeStopper website at crimestopper.com.
A helpful way to determine what features a customer could benefit from is by asking questions about their car and driving environment. If they have children-or the neighborhood they live in has children-a backup camera will help drivers see bikes and skateboards left haphazardly. If their driveway is shielded by bushes, blind spot detection and/or rear traffic warning systems will certainly aid while parking.
Cameras can also be used to reveal blind spots with the monitor integrated into the rear view mirror. Some models can be directly mounted in the license plate frame of cars or stealth mounted into the rear of a truck’s tailgate handle. Additionally, there are 3rd brake light cameras for delivery vans designed for both general commercial use.
Blind spots are tricky because the corners of the vehicle (at or below the bumper) are hard to monitor, even with cameras. This is where collision avoidance kits are preferred since they can monitor the front, rear, or both ends of the car. The blind spot detection systems use microwave detectors installed covertly behind bumpers, and parking assist systems use small discrete sensors mounted in the bumper itself. They monitor the surrounding area and are triggered when an obstruction comes within proximity of the vehicle. Both of these kits can alert the driver using small LED displays for visual recognition or an easily hidden speaker for audible confirmation.
A surveillance system is also available as a rear view mirror DVR with a built-in front facing camera and a video input for a rear mounted cam. This can pay for itself when providing proof to an insurance agency when an accident was caused by another driver. For commercial delivery trucks and RVs, wireless video systems are available with no unsightly cables to run or unnecessary holes drilled.