Frequently Asked Questions
Below are frequently asked questions that pertain to magazine subscriptions.
Q. What is the difference between the printed version of the magazine and the digital version?
A. As a subscriber, you may choose to receive the printed version of the publication, the electronic digital version, or both. The printed version is a traditional printed magazine that is delivered to your mailing address by the USPS. The digital version is an enhanced electronic edition of the publication which is delivered to your designated email address.
Q. What is the difference between a Complete Subscription and a Limited Subscription?
A. Limited Subscriptions are free to qualified industry professionals. With a Limited Subscription, subscribers are not guaranteed every issue. Complete Subscriptions guarantee that subscribers receive every issue.
Q. How often will I receive issues as a Limited Subscriber?
A. The actual number may vary.
Q. If I have a Limited Subscription, will I be notified when I am going to miss an issue?
A. We will notify you when you miss a particular issue of the magazine either by invoice, email or fax. This will take place after the issue mails.
Q. How can I tell when my subscription is going to expire?
A. When your subscription is nearing expiration, you will receive notices from us in a variety of forms, including email notices, faxes and telephone renewal opportunities.
Q. One of my magazine issues was never delivered. What should I do?
A. If you sign up for a Complete Subscription, your first issue will be mailed to you within eight to 10 weeks after we receive your order. Thereafter, you should receive each issue every month prior to the end of the month noted on the cover date. (For example, your June issue will arrive before the last week in June).
If an issue is missing or more than two weeks late – due to error or postal delivery problems – call or email us and we’ll extend your subscription for an extra issue. Or, if you prefer, we will try to replace the missing issue, supplies permitting. We regret that we can only honor requests for missed issues within three months of the issue date. We are also able to provide a link to the digital version for immediate access.
If you sign up for a Limited Subscription, every issue is not guaranteed. Any issues you miss cannot be replaced.
Q. What do I do if I have a problem with my subscription?
A. If there is ever a problem with your subscription, please inform us in writing immediately or email Remember to enclose your mailing label (or print your name and address exactly as they appear on the label). To ensure prompt delivery, include your apartment/suite number. Correction procedures will begin immediately, although some problems may take longer to resolve than others. You can expect a reply from subscriber services within four to five days.
Q. Why do you need my email address?
A. We will send an email notification to alert you when your subscription needs to be renewed. We will also provide you with information about other relevant CMG products and events in your industry. Also digital versions of the publication can only be delivered if you provide a valid email address.
Q. Can I purchase back issues?
A. Because of limited print quantities, we do not sell back issues.
Q. Who do I send my press release to?
A. Please email all press releases to Jef White.
Q. There was a great story in the most recent issue and we want our web users to read the story. How do we do this?
A. Our Direct Marketing department offers an electronic reprint (e-print) option that allows you to market being mentioned in the magazine. Please call Stacy Marshall at (720) 741-2233 or email her to discuss our policy and fees for an electronic reprint (e-print).
Q. We were mentioned in a recent article in the magazine and we would like to use it in our marketing kits. How do we do this?
A. Please call Stacy Marshall at (720) 741-2233 or email her to discuss our policy and fees for printed reprints.
Have Questions?
Feel free to contact any one of our service team members directly:
Stacy Marshall
Krystal Franklin
Jef White
Fletcher Allen
Chris Main