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National Performance Warehouse Hires IT Professional

Dave RichardsonNational Performance Warehouse (NPW) has hired Dave Richardson as its new director of information technology (IT).

NPW, now with 19 warehouses and 40 stores across the North America, has seen an accelerated increase in providing vital connectivity to its customers and suppliers. As such, the company expects its need for IT resources to continue to grow.

Richardson’s extensive automotive background makes him a perfect fit for NPW’s future growth, according to the company. Richardson’s mostly recently worked with Parts Depot, Uni-Select, and Auto Plus/PEP Boys.

“We are excited about having an IT professional like Dave on the NPW team,” said Chris Pacey, NPW’s executive vice president.

“In his brief tenure with us we have already benefited by many enhancements he has made. Dave is a great mentor to our IT staff as well as understands the needs of all channels of our business model. I am sure we have found the right person to keep us on the leading edge of our IT needs for many years to come.”

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