VOXX Product to Appear on The Price is Right

The new Universal Seatback Smart dual-monitor system by VOXX Electronics is set to appear on the preeminent daytime game show, The Price is Right, on June 7.

The 10.1-inch, feature-laden monitor system can be supervised and controlled by the user’s smartphone, giving parents total control when kids are too young to control the system themselves.

“The general population viewing the show will now have exposure to a very viable and relatable Rear Seat Entertainment option for vehicles. Bringing 12-volt products to the mainstream is the only way to grow business. Outside of a retailer or Car Dealers advertising to consumers, making their presence and product offering known, most consumers today would not even know where to go to have a Video system installed in their vehicle or if such options even exist,” said Joe Caltabiano, vice president of vehicle entertainment for VOXX Electronics.

“The demand for in-vehicle entertainment has always been there since it was introduced two decades ago, but the exposure to consumers has not,” Caltabiano added. “This is a gateway to bringing 12-volt products into the spotlight, to all demographics, wherever the show is aired. As a manufacturer, we are trying to help our retail community grow product awareness through our social media campaigns and by partnering with high visibility outlets such as The Price is Right.”

Watch the above video to learn more about the Universal Seatback Smart dual-monitor system by VOXX Electronics.