Turn 14 Distribution Introduces Enhanced Saturday Ground Shipping

Turn 14 Distribution has introduced its Enhanced Saturday Ground Shipping initiative.

Turn 14 Distribution’s warehouse, customer support, and accounts receivable teams are now available to process shipments and assist customers on Saturdays.

Turn 14 Distribution, now with six UPS pickup days a week, has further enhanced its strategic UPS Ground shipping schedule to better serve its customers, according to the company. Packages picked up on Saturday destined for local areas will now be delivered on Monday, one day earlier.

In addition, eligible residential and commercial ground packages that would have been delivered on Monday can now be delivered on Saturday, according to Turn 14 Distribution.

“As the modern marketplace continues to develop and customers’ demands on the supply chain continue to increase, we are eager to establish ourselves as your most committed partner in fulfilling those lofty requirements. This means dealers can now order product from Turn 14 Distribution at 7 p.m. on a Saturday night and have that product delivered to their shop or customer on Monday morning with no additional fees,” said Jon Pulli, CEO of Turn 14 Distribution.

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