Turn 14 Distribution Adds N-Fab to Line Card

Turn 14 Distribution has increased its truck and off-road accessory offerings with the addition of N-FAB to its growing line card.

“With the continued growth of the truck and off-road accessories market we are pleased to be able to offer our customers N-FAB’s innovative product line. N-FAB invests heavily in the quality of their product utilizing the strongest and most durable materials in their construction. They offer a vast selection of Nerf-Bars and Pre-Runner bumpers, featuring quality coatings in order to stand up to the elements that trucks and off-road vehicles are often exposed to.” said Kyle Shelley, Turn 14 Distribution’s director of sales.

N-FAB is an industry leader in quality nerf-bars, pre-runners, and other off-road accessories, according to the company. N-FAB builds heavy-duty, high-end, high-quality tubular parts for all the latest trucks and SUV’s, even dating back to the ’80s.

N-FAB uses heavier gauge .084-wall steel, with a welded one-piece construction. The products are zinc coated. The parts are finished with a thick layer of high-gloss, powder coating for a long lasting finish coat.