Study: Consumers Not Ready for Keyless Cars

A firm called Strategy Analytics explored consumer appetite for truly keyless cars in its recent report. The report-Keyless Cars: Do Consumers Want Them, and Are Automakers Ready?”-was prepared by in-vehicle UX group at Strategy Analytics.

While keyless technology provides a number of benefits such as consumers having one less item to lose or replace and automakers leveraging the technology for fleet management, it also holds fundamental disadvantages: the requirement of an active and charged mobile device and a reliable mobile connection, according to the report.

“Consumer demand is certainly present for keyless technology but this demand is largely being driven by two specific demographics: younger or middle-aged car owners and a large majority of early adopters,” said Derek Viita, the author of the report and a senior Strategy Analytics analyst. “With the proliferation of OEM-branded apps and telematics services, stakeholders are certainly under pressure to validate the keyless concept. Narrow demand and the limitations of the technology itself evoke questions about its readiness for a wider market.”

“Strategy Analytics advises immediate exploration of the concept for model lines catering to younger and tech-savvy consumers, but caution among wider portfolios for the near term,” according to Chris Schreiner, director of Syndicated Research UXIP.