RNR Tire to Open Alabama Locations

Rucker Sr. & Rucker Jr. Durkee will open five locations around the Birmingham area...

RNR Tire Express (RNR) expands its Southern presence with a newly signed agreement in Alabama. Spearheaded by father-son franchise partners Rucker Sr. and Rucker Jr. Durkee, the five-unit signed agreement will bring new locations across the state in Birmingham, Gadsden and Anniston. Site selection is currently underway for the first location in Birmingham, with a tentative opening date of Q3 2025.

The Durkees bring 25 years combined experience as entrepreneurs to their newest business venture. Both having created their own businesses from a young age, the duo has a proven track record for scaling and running a successful company. Their decision to invest in the franchise came after Rucker Sr. was searching for a new opportunity in his retirement. 

“Birmingham is a continually growing market with an untapped potential, and having grown up here and raising my family here, we know the community inside and out,” said Rucker Sr. “With our business experience and the resources provided to us by the franchise support team, we’re confident in our ability to launch this family business and serve our neighbors. We cannot wait to open the doors and welcome our friends, family and community as we build our footprint.”

RNR offers and professionally installs safe, high-quality tires and custom wheels to a growing market of underserved consumers; the tens of millions without the disposable income to pay upwards of $1,200 for out-of-pocket, unexpected tire expenses.

With the first store opening anticipated in the second half of 2025, the duo has high ambitions to launch all five locations over the next five years. To ensure a successful rollout, both Rucker Sr. and Rucker Jr. will be onsite, overseeing daily management while interacting with guests and learning the trade through boots on the ground oversight. Once established, Rucker Jr. will remain onsite for client-facing responsibilities while Rucker Sr. will handle back of the house operations such as financials, real estate and more.

“Rucker Sr. and Jr. are prime examples of what it takes to be successful entrepreneurs,” said Larry Sutton, founder of RNR Tire Express. “We are extremely excited to welcome them into the RNR family and support them as they undergo launching in the Birmingham community.”

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