Oracle Lighting Takes Legal Action Against Alleged Chinese Vector Grill Knockoffs

Shortly after Oracle Lighting‘s Vector Grill was unveiled at a Las Vegas trade show in 2017, alleged Chinese knockoffs began appearing on the market, according to the company. Now, Oracle Lighting is enforcing its intellectual property rights and filing design patent infringement cases against possible counterfeit producers.

“We take our intellectual property rights very seriously and are willing to do whatever it takes to prevent the theft of our patented designs. If that means going to court in China or any other country, we’ll be there,” said Justin Hartenstein, director of product development at Oracle Lighting.

Oracle Lighting recently filed its first case against an operation producing alleged knockoff Vector Grills and other products in the local court in Nanjing in Jiangsu Province, China, according to the company. Oracle Lighting initiated the action in the hope that it sets an example for other businesses trying to protect their intellectual property rights.