New National Racing Series Set to Launch

American Standard Motorsports-a new motorsports organization founded by Terrance A. Cox-has announced a racing series for 2019.

The American Standard Motorsports National Auto Racing Series will have 32 race cars on the track, competing in three-race weekend events in a new racing format. Headquartered in Atlanta, the series will travel across the country racing in 10 different metropolitan areas with three races per weekend scheduled throughout the season.

“The ASM difference is the diversity of family-friendly entertainment activities wrapped around the racing schedule,” Cox said. “There will be different sporting events like mixed-gender basketball, women’s volleyball, world-class championship boxing, and motorcycle racing. Plus, the Racing 4 Education pop concert, gospel event, carnival and art festival, all scheduled into the weekend and designed to appeal to the interests of a large and diverse audience.”

The format of the races will be unlike any in motorsports with a set number of cars and crew, exciting and easy to understand rules and an emphasis on low costs to encourage higher attendance and participation, according to the organization.

We Welcome All is the underlying theme of the three-day weekend racing experience, with different cultural events, arts and food festivals supporting our sports competitions. There will be something for everyone to enjoy. ASM is setting out to revolutionize the racing industry,” said a statement by the company. “The American Standard Motorsports Racing Series creates sponsorship opportunities for companies and global organizations who would not normally participate, by keeping costs low and competitive event rules understandable. Our specialized professional team can customize packages for all levels of participation, from title sponsor, to competing as a race team, and as a result, We Welcome All, irrespective of depth of pocket or motorsports experience.”

Cox will announce the launch of the American Standard Motorsport Racing Series at the Terrance Alton Cox Motorsports Awards ceremony on May 18 at the NASCAR Hall of Fame in Charlotte, North Carolina.

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