EDITOR’S NOTE: The following edited press release was offered as a joke on April Fool’s Day by Banks Power
Thanks to Banks Technologies’ success in providing power solutions for today’s military, NASA and the newly formed Space Force have tapped the company to work on transportation systems for the country’s return to the moon.
“We will return to surface of the moon in 2024, and the our new moon rovers will be powered by Banks,” said Vice President Mike Pence on Friday.
Banks Owns Red
Banks Power has been granted a trademark for the color red.
The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office issued Serial No. BS-10-546771 Friday, making red the legal property of Banks Power. Starting immediately, if brands or consumers seek the use of this color on any product, a license must be purchased via Banks’ legal department.
“Our legal team is currently reaching out to those in violation,” Banks Power stated in an April Fool’s Day press release. “Groups being contacted include the International Tomato Growers Association, Stop Sign Manufacturing LLC., Red Apples of America, and the fire department.”