LIQUI MOLY Headed for a Ski Jump

German oil and additive specialist LIQUI MOLY will be the leading sponsor of The Four Hills Tournament. The company was last involved in the tournament in 2009-’10.

“The Four Hills Tournament in Germany and Austria is one of the most important ski jumping competitions. As the official main sponsor we are securing ourselves a strong media presence,” said Peter Baumann, marketing director at LIQUI MOLY.

The LIQUI MOLY logo will be clearly visible on the hoardings, but also in the warm-up area, at the start and on the wall of the media area. Furthermore, the brand will also be appearing in the run-up to the event as part of the communication from the organizer. “This gives us a great brand visibility-not only in Germany, but all over the world,” said Salvatore Coniglio, export director at LIQUI MOLY. “LIQUI MOLY will be the main sponsor of the highly traditional Four Hills Tournament this season and next and is therefore investing several million euros.”

LIQUI MOLY is also visible at the Nordic World Ski Championships in Austria and at the Ice Hockey World Championships in Slovakia.

When choosing the competitions, the company made sure that the overall package works worldwide. That’s why sports such as short track are also included, which is not so popular in Germany, but has many fans in Asia, according to the company.

“This is an excellent addition to our large motorsports commitment such as MotoGP,” said LIQUI MOLY CEO Günter Hiermaier. “Winter sports have developed into an important factor in our marketing.”