Ranked Among Top 1,000 U.S. Websites has risen into the top 1,000 websites in the United States when ranked by overall traffic. The list, compiled by Alexa Certified Site Metrics and Amazon, places as the 944th most-popular website in the U.S. and 4,875th overall in the world.

The ranking, calculated via a combination of pageviews and average daily visitors to the site, represents a major leap forward for and a vindication of its devoted, community-driven strategy, according to the company.

“We’re very excited to announce’s new ranking in the top 1,000 sites in the U.S.,” said Roger Falcione, president and CEO of “We’ve seen some incredible growth since January 2019, and we’re making great efforts to continue this trend of growth through the rest of the year.”

Data indicates that the majority of users find the Journal via email, with 57-percent of users coming to the platform via the email newsletter compared to 20 percent via direct URL input, 13 percent via organic search engine traffic and 6.6 percent via social media. The Marketplace, however, shows 59 percent of users arriving via organic search engine traffic as opposed to 13.75 percent via direct search and 15.4 percent via email.