Chinese COVID-19 Outbreak Threatens Supply Chain

Chinese authorities on Tuesday tightened anti-virus controls at ports, raising the risk of trade disruptions after some auto and electronics factories shut down, according to a report from CBS News, as the government fights the country’s worst COVID-19 outbreak since the start of the pandemic.

In response to the outbreak, China shutdown Shenzhen, a tech and finance hub adjacent to Hong Kong in the south, and Changchun, an auto center in the northeast.

Tech, automotive and other industries can use factories and suppliers in other parts of China, according to the report, but a bigger threat looms if business is disrupted at ports in Shenzhen, Shanghai or nearby Ningbo.

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By A.J. Hecht

A.J. Hecht is the managing editor of THE SHOP and host of the In Gear with THE SHOP podcast. Have an idea, a tip, or a question you’d like to see answered? Contact A.J. at