BOLT Honored with Supplier Award

The New England Motor Press Association (NEMPA) selected BOLT Lock as the recipient of the 2018 NEMPA Yankee Supplier Award. This award is given to suppliers who have made significant contributions to the industry, whether by making driving safer, more cost-efficient or more enjoyable.

NEMPA hosts the annual awards to recognize manufacturers, suppliers and industry professionals who have brought excellence to the automotive industry. Members of NEMPA selected the winner of the supplier award. The awards are tailored to the automotive needs and tastes of New England drivers.

The Yankee Supplier Award was presented at NEMPA’s Annual Awards dinner held May 30 at the MIT Media Lab in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

“All of us at BOLT Lock are thrilled to receive this award,” said Steve Gilles, director of new business development for BOLT Lock. “The technology is a great advancement that makes securing a driver’s valuables simple without any of the headache of searching through to find the right key.”