AACF Applications Increase 90 Percent in Wake of Wildfires

Applications for Automotive Aftermarket Charitable Foundation (AACF) aid increased 90 percent in November in the wake of the unprecedented wildfires in California.

“AACF is working hard to get checks mailed to qualified applicants within three days,” said Joel Ayres, executive director of AACF. “In addition to heart breaking applications from fire victims, we’re also aiding those affected by recent hurricanes.”

The deadliest and most destructive wildfire in the history of the state of California, now known as the Camp Fire, destroyed 14,000 residences, displaced thousands, and left more than 80 dead and hundreds missing, according to The Washington Post.

“We arrived at my brother’s house with only the clothes on our backs,” said an AACF recipient from Brake Parts Supply who lost his home. “With AACF’s help, we will be able to meet our immediate needs including food and clothes, and also provide some small Christmas gifts for our four children, and it means the world to us.”

“The generosity of AACF touches my heart and is very much appreciated,” said a recipient from Riebes Auto Parts whose family now calls one room their home. “Because of AACF, we can get the essentials we need, including clothes, food, and bedding for the children.”

“We’re working with our Awareness Partners and industry member organizations in this effort,” Ayres said. “We extend special thanks to our donor partners for their ongoing support, and are keeping hurting families in our thoughts and prayers.”

Click to apply for help, or to make a donation online. Interested parties can also call 772-286-5500.