Titled “303 Car Care,” the series is produced in-house at Gold Eagle Company. It is designed to showcase vehicles of all types–race, off-road, classics, and luxury–and demonstrate strategies used to clean, protect, and detail each vehicle, the company said, and provide insights, knowledge, tips, and tricks for protecting vehicles and achieving a show quality look.
“At Gold Eagle Co., we believe that every vehicle has a story to tell, and ‘303 Car Care’ is our way of bringing those stories to life,” said David Goodson, 303 brand manager. “Through this storytelling format, we’re not only able to share tips and tricks on using our products, but we can also celebrate the passion and pride enthusiasts have for their rides.”
The YouTube series officially launched on Sept. 18 with three episodes featuring hosts David Goodson and STA-BIL Brand Manager Bob Galuska. Additional episodes will be released as completed.