DOWNLOAD: Report Says Millions of Young Drivers Modify Their Vehicles

SEMA has released a report tracking the behavior of 16-24 year consumers and their interactions with the auto aftermarket.

Among the 38 million 16-24 year olds in the U.S., SEMA’s Young Accessorizers Report found that 24 million are regular drivers and 7.9 million accessorize or modify their vehicle each year.

Highlights from the 75-page report include:

  • Aging from 16 to 23 years old drastically increases the likelihood of young drivers having a driver’s license, owning a car and participating in accessorization.
  • While the internet is vitally important for research, two-thirds of 16-24 year old consumers look to the in-store experience for actual purchase of parts
  • Among those surveyed, 52 percent of 16-24 year old drivers plan on making more modifications to their vehicle in the next year
  • Young accessorizers spent $7.2B on aftermarket upgrades and accessories in 2017
  • One-in-four young accessorizers are part of a cars-related group on social media
  • Only 5 percent of 16 year-olds are accessorizers. By age 23, over 30 percent of them are accessorizing or modifying their vehicle
  • Social life is key for young people and they find friends and family to be big influencers on their lives-79 percent said their car helps them stay closer to friends
  • Drivers aged 16-24 account for 155 billion miles driven per year.

Click to download the SEMA Young Accessorizers Report.